Saturday, 24 January 2009

Exporting from 3DS Max to Quest3D

Today I have been researching exporters that can be used with 3DS Max and allow me to import models created from this software into Quest3D to create the real-time model. I found and installed three;

Panda DirectX Exporter (PDE) - which uses the .X file extension
Collada - which uses .DAE file extension
Quest3D File Exporter - which uses CGR file extension.

After installing these I tried to import a simple box made in max and all of them worked. So I am half way there to creating the 3D historical reconstruction of Nottingham Castle.

The Panda exporter seems to have various functions when exporting, here is a screenshot of the dialogue box from 3DS Max. A bonus here is that you can export animations which may be beneficial and save time as i can easily do this in 3DS Max.

For the Collada exporter there are various import types:

Flatten hierarchy
Whole scene is flatten to one object.

Separated objects
All objects in a scene are imported as separated objects with pivot points if they exist.

Separated object with instancing
All objects in a scene are imported as separated objects. Additionally importer detects identical objects in the scene. And then it imports only one mesh and generates instances using Nature Painting channels.

Hierarchy and animation
Scene is imported with hierarchy and animation.

Scale factor
Importer can apply scale factor to your scene during importing. Default value is 1.0.
The Quest3D file exporter is useful as it exports directly into a Quest 3D file (CGR), it also contains a dedicated material 'Quest3D material' that consists of a user interface similar to Quest3D's object section.

1 comment:

Hafiz_bd said...

hello, do u have found any difficulty while exporting in certain unit? For my case it became too big while importing from 3DS Max. I used 0.625 conversion while importing.
